I have been smoking weed on and off for 45 years. I have visited the coffee shops many times and have smoked every day for 30 years ( apart from T breaks )
This is the finest establishment I have ever dealt with. Also Se Panther THCA is the best that I have ever used.. ( PLEASE DON'T STOP SELLING IT 🙏 😢 )
I don't normally put the word out advising people to use a certain company because my word is widely heard and trusted
I have promoted companies in the past and when the referral has been let down, it's been my fault.
I have already broken my vow of non promotion and told a few very well placed people about BACKWOODZ.COM and will continue to do so
I hope that this subststantially increases your UK sales
P.s pleeèase find a way to continue selling Sex Panther. Thankyou.
Warm regards Phoenix